
College of Education & Human Services

Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Program Standards

The Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction meets the following standards for early childhood, elementary and middle level education:

I. Knowledge of Students

Accomplished teachers understand how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, psychosocial, and physical areas; therefore, accomplished teachers design and implement developmentally and challenging learning experiences.

II. Learning Environment

Accomplished teachers provide developmentally appropriate environments that incorporate cognitive, linguistic, psychosocial and physical dimensions of learning where students take intellectual risks, practice democracy, work collaboratively and independently, as well as feel a sense of autonomy.  Learning environments are arranged in ways that are caring, inclusive, stimulating and safe.

III. Respect for Diversity

Accomplished teachers understand that learners bring into the classroom different abilities, talents, prior learning experiences, and different sets of values, so they know how to access information about the values of diverse cultures and communities to assist learners as they develop attitudes of respect and appreciation for others.

IV. Knowledge of Content and Curriculum

Accomplished teachers utilize content knowledge and curricular innovations to create sound, research driven, and integrative learning experiences across the disciplines.

V. Instructional Strategies and Resources

Accomplished teachers understand and use a variety of instructional strategies and resources to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of current areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

VI. Knowledge of Interdisciplinary Approaches

Accomplished teachers design and implement learning opportunities within and across the disciplines that engage learners purposefully in applying content knowledge.

VII. Assessment

Accomplished teachers effectively employ formative and summative assessments to systematically observe, monitor and document student learning.  They understand the strengths and weaknesses of various assessment practices and recognize the need for students to monitor their own learning.

VIII. Family and Community Involvement

Accomplished teachers initiate positive, interactive relationships with families and communities as they support children's learning and development.

IX. Reflection

Accomplished teachers systematically analyze, evaluate, and reflect upon teaching and learning experiences to incorporate best practices as they strive to improve instruction in their classrooms.

X. Contributions to the Profession

Accomplished teachers seek opportunities for collaboration to improve schools and advance knowledge and practice in their field.