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Reports of Committees and Councils Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS) (Jeff Engel, Chair) 鶹 to FYE Graduation Requirement Council on General Education (CGE) (Patrick McGinty, Chair) Request for Inclusion in General Education UNIV 100, Personal Growth and Well-Being in Higher Education, 1 s.h. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (CCPI) (Steve Bennett, Chair) Curricular Requests from the Department of Geology Request for Change in Option Paleontology Curricular Requests from the School of Engineering Requests for New Courses ENGR 211, Engineering Statics, 3 s.h. ENGR 212, Engineering Dynamics, 3 s.h. Request for Change of Major Engineering Curricular Requests from the School of Agriculture Request for Change of Minor International Agriculture Old Business New Business Election of One Senator to Serve on Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance for Spring 2013 NEXT MEETING JANUARY 22, 2013 UNION CAPITOL ROOMS Bbcdmx}~  Ǽymdm\TImdm\Ih#h#OJQJh9#OJQJh\z'OJQJh#>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJh#hdfOJQJh9@dOJQJh#h 2OJQJh#h[OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJ\h156OJQJh\z'56OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJh#hr7OJQJ h#hr70JCJOJQJaJh#hr7CJOJQJaJBcd~   H gd9#^gd\z'^gd# & F,gd#gd# & F,gd#gddf $ & Fa$gddf!gddf$a$gddf   @ G H \ ] x y  # C J L X _ i k w y  ) 1 3 ? 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