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EIS 447, Teaching of Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation to English Language Learners, 3 s.h. Request for New Minor TESOL Curricular Requests from the Department of Health Sciences Request for Change of Minor Emergency Management Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) Committee (Bradley Dilger, Chair) Request for WID Designation CHEM 429, Biochemistry Topics, 3 s.h. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (CPPP) (Jim Rabchuk, Chair) Evaluation of the Provost Senate Nominating Committee (SNC) (Martin Maskarinec, Chair) Old Business New Business Resolution Reaffirming Support for the Smoke-Free Campus Act (SB 2202) Pension Reform Resolution NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 UNION CAPITOL ROOMS #Bbcdmnpuz{|}~ŷ|qfqf^SG>Gh#>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJh#hdfOJQJh9@dOJQJh#h 2OJQJh#h[OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJ\h#9=56OJQJh)56OJQJh-756OJQJhFjh56OJQJhLk>hr756OJQJh#hr7OJQJ h#hr70JCJOJQJaJhqmh-76CJOJQJaJh#hr7CJOJQJaJBcd{  & ' p^pgd-'R^gd*gd9#^gd<9 & Fgd gd# & Fgd gddf $ & Fa$gddf!gddf$a$gddf   % & ' h  0 J m u w ? @ znbVhx0h-7>*OJQJhi h-7>*OJQJhXh-7>*OJQJh6>h-7OJQJh6>OJQJh-7OJQJh OJQJhz OJQJhucOJQJhRyOJQJhh-'ROJQJh-'ROJQJh#>*ϴ##>*ϴ*ϴ#ϴ##ϴ<9OJQJ' h 1 2 I J v w @ ^@ gd6> & Fgd6>p^pgd  & Fgd  & Fgd ^gd ^`gd  & Fgd ^gd-'R & Fp0^p`0gd-'R^gd-'R & Fgd-'Rw @   - . e  & Fgd ^gd& & Fgd6>& & Fgd6>&@ ^@ gd-7& & F0^`0gd6>&p^pgd-7& & Fgd6>&^gd-7 & Fp0^p`0gd6>   , - . # * , G M j v w x ûxldXhc<h'[>*OJQJhgOJQJhh>*OJQJhOK>*OJQJhOKhOK>*OJQJhK>*OJQJhuc>*OJQJh#h#>*OJQJhjOJQJh%OJQJhz OJQJhyx.OJQJhOJQJhAach-7>*OJQJhx0h-7>*OJQJh-7OJQJht6h-7>*OJQJe } ~   + , N i j w x gd%gdM. & Fgd ^gdj^gdj & Fgdz ^gdz  & Fgd p^pgdyx. & Fgdyx. & Fgdyx.^gdyx. !" & F^gd2 $ & Fa$gd $ & Fa$gd#gd'[^gdg^gdc< & Fgd'[   "¹h6h OJQJh%OJQJh#h#OJQJh OJQJhj>*ϴ>*ϴ%g>*ϴgϴg<>*OJQJhc<OJQJhc<hc<>*OJQJ 21h:po1> SYS_HYPERTEXT >*B*phH@BH k Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJNoQN kBalloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJRoaR dfHeading 1 Char5CJ KH OJQJ\_H aJ ToqT dfHeading 2 Char 56CJOJQJ\]_H aJNoN dfHeading 3 Char5CJOJQJ\_H aJFoF dfHeading 4 Char5CJ\_H aJLoL dfHeading 5 Char56CJ\]_H aJFoF dfHeading 6 Char5CJ\_H aJ@o@ dfHeading 7 Char CJ_H aJFoF dfHeading 8 Char6CJ]_H aJHoH  dfHeading 9 CharCJOJQJ_H aJV>@V  dfTitle$<@&a$5CJ KHOJPJQJ\aJ JoJ df Title Char5CJ KHOJPJQJ\aJ FJ@F "dfSubtitle!$<@&a$ OJPJQJFo!F !df Subtitle CharCJOJPJQJaJ*W`1* df`Strong5\:X`A: df@Emphasis56OJQJ]4@R4 df No Spacing%aJ D@bD df List Paragraph &^m$*@* (dfQuote'68o8 'df Quote Char 6CJaJP@P *df Intense Quote)]^ 56aJFoF )dfIntense Quote Char 56CJBaB df0Subtle Emphasis 6B*phZZZJaJ dfPIntense Emphasis56>*CJaJDaD dfSubtle Reference >*CJaJDaD dfIntense Reference 5>*CJFaF df Book Title56CJOJPJQJaJ: A: dfp TOC Heading0@& ^JPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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