
Graduate Studies

Student Appeal Process - Graduate Council

Situations may occur, as a graduate student works toward an advanced degree, which require exceptions to or interpretation of existing University academic regulations. In such situations, it is necessary to file an appeal to the Graduate Council. The following procedures are in place to facilitate the appeal process.

Appeal Procedure - Department Level

  1. Student files petition form with the department, stating the request. All relevant documentation should be attached.
  2. Department advisor and graduate committee review the petition and make a recommendation.
  3. The petition is forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies.
  4. Students not satisfied with the action taken by the department or the School of Graduate Studies may appeal to the Graduate Council.

Appeal Procedure - Graduate Council

  1. Student appeals will appear as the first item on the agenda of the regularly scheduled Graduate Council meetings.
  2. All written materials relative to the appeal submitted by the student and the academic department will be forwarded to all Graduate Council members with the meeting agenda.
  3. The student and academic department are notified of Council meeting date, time, and location.
  4. The student will be allowed to make a brief statement to the Council and may be questioned concerning their position.
  5. Students appealing to the Council may be accompanied by an advisor. Appropriate persons with specific information or expertise supporting the student's appeal may participate in the hearing and may be questioned concerning their position.
  6. Appropriate University personnel (e.g., academic department representatives) may participate in the appeal process and may be questioned concerning their position.
  7. Final statements are allowed from the student and the department.
  8. Council members will consider the appeal in closed session.
  9. Council members will render a decision in the appeal. The decision is communicated to the student in writing by the Director of Graduate Studies.

Miscellaneous Information

  1. Student appeals may not be electronically recorded.
  2. The Chair of the Graduate Council shall conduct student appeal hearings.
  3. A majority vote is required for approval of student appeals.
  4. All written materials from student appeals shall be filed in the student's academic file housed in the Graduate School.