

Periodicals: How to Locate

Start at the Reference Area on the Second Level.

If you know the name of the periodical, the date, and the pages for your article, search for the periodical title in the (PHL). If available, retrieve the "full-text" electronic version of the article. Otherwise, if you find the title in the PHL, note the year(s), whether the journal is in paper or microform, and its location.

  • If the periodical is located in the main collection on the Third Level, go to the stacks to find it. Periodicals are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order by the title of the periodical.
  • If the periodical is not located in the main periodical stacks on Third Level, go to the collection or branch library indicated.
  • If you do not find a listing for the periodical in the PHL, ask at the Reference Desk on the Second Level, OR request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

If you do not know the name of the periodical, the date, and the pages for your article:

  • Look up the article and periodical title in the appropriate index in the Reference area, and proceed as above.
  • If you do not know which index to use, ask at the Reference Desk.

Once you have found what you want, read it in the library, or scan it!