
University Policies

Approval Date: 04/19/1982
Revised: 08/18/2014
Approved By: President

Laboratory/Class Charge Policy

Laboratory/class charges may be assessed for student consumables specific to a course. The charges collected can only be used for the support of the class and cannot exceed the cost of providing a specific product or service to the student. Once approved by the President, the charge is assessed through the Billing and Receivables system.

  • New charges, and changes to current charges, must be approved by the President and will be effective the following fall semester.
  • The initiating department shall contact the Billing and Receivables Office prior to initiating the request to discuss assessment and identify potential issues.
  • The request form must be submitted in sufficient time to allow review, approval, and programming prior to the deadline for printing University publications in which the charge must appear (i.e. annual course catalog).
  • All University publications reflecting specific course offerings shall identify the courses that require a mandatory laboratory charge, the current amount of that charge, and the method used to assess the charge. It is the responsibility of each department to notify the Provost's Office of all laboratory charges and approved changes prior to the final publication date for the catalogs and brochures printed for the next academic year.
  • Assessed charges will be deposited into a local account and are subject to Legislative Audit Commission guidelines.
  • Collection of course fees in the classroom is not allowed.
  • Exceptions to assessment and billing are made only when justified by extenuating circumstances, as determined by the President.

New Laboratory/Class Charge Form - Word (docx) | PDF
Change to Laboratory/Class Charges Form - Word (docx) | PDF