
University Policies

Approval Date: 08/10/95
Approved By: President's Staff

Policy on Clerical Services

Departments are encouraged to set guidelines to assist faculty, administrators, and Civil Service employees in determining priorities for completion of clerical assignments.

The role of the supervisor is to clarify questions regarding the established departmental/work unit guidelines. Concerns regarding the policy may be referred to the Director of Human Resources.

Clerical employees shall not receive monetary compensation in addition to their University salary for materials prepared during regular work hours.

Inter-office sharing of work is encouraged. During times of decreased workload, departments should contact their Dean or area Vice President to offer services to offices experiencing heavier workloads. Offices having more than one employee may temporarily release an employee to another office, while one-person offices may accept external tasks to be done in their own office environment.

The following is a sample list of office priorities and policies to assist departmental/work units. Please notify your clerical support employee as soon as possible when urgent situations arise. This will allow time to rearrange schedules so that work may be completed.

Priority 1:
Examinations: Faculty are asked to allow at least three days for keyboarding and photocopying of examination materials. For examinations already keyboarded, please allow one full day for photocopying.
Priority 2:
Dated material will be processed as soon as possible. Change of grades will be processed within one day after receipt.
Priority 3:
Travel Forms: Request for absence should be completed before faculty leave campus. Travel vouchers will be completed within two days after the request for absence has been returned from Business Services.
Priority 4:
Correspondence will be keyboarded as soon as possible. Urgent materials should be marked as such.
Priority 5:
Instructor In-Class Material (handouts, course outlines, etc.): Please allow three days for keyboarding and photocopying and two days if the materials are keyboarded and ready to photocopy. For materials five pages plus, please allow five days for keyboarding and photocopying.
Priority 6:
Departmental Accounts and Requisitions: Departmental account charges will be posted;
up-to-date balances will be available. Requisitions for departmental supplies, bills, etc., will be processed in a timely manner.
Priority 7:
Other Faculty Materials (professional papers, research work, miscellaneous not directly connected with the department):

A. 1 - 3 pages: Allow 3 working days
B. 4 - 9 pages: Allow 5 working days
C. 10 - 16 pages: Allow 8 working days
D. 17 - 25 pages: Allow 10 working days
E. 25 + pages: Please make arrangements.

These figures are approximate and are subject to discussion. They should not be considered absolute minimums, maximums or guarantees.

Priority 8:
Student Material: Departments are not responsible for keyboarding materials submitted by students.