
Foreign Languages and Literatures

Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Languages and Cultures

Degree Overview

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures offers the Bachelor of Arts degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures, with options in French, Spanish, French Teacher Education, and Spanish Teacher Education. The formal study of one of the languages consists of courses in the language as well as courses in the literatures and cultures of the countries where these languages are spoken.

The study of language, culture, and literature prepares the student for advanced and graduate study in literature and/or language, and for the use of language in business and industry, government at the federal, state, or local level, law enforcement, libraries and museums, parks and recreation, social services and health-related fields, transportation and tourism, and numerous other areas having a multicultural clientele.

View the specific degree requirements and course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Contact the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures for additional information.

Spanish or French

The department is committed to promoting foreign languages both as a means of communication and as the prerequisite to cultural understanding. Classes with the prefix of FR and SPAN are taught in the target language and promote students’ active use of the language in a culturally and communicatively meaningful context. Classes with the prefix FL are taught in English and allow students the opportunity to reflect critically on cultural practices and products of non-English speaking countries and people prior to obtaining advanced proficiency in the target language.

Teacher Education: Spanish or French

The University offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in French teacher education and Spanish teacher education. The majors in French or Spanish teacher education include coursework in language, literature and culture, as well as professional education courses and student teaching. Students with prior study of a language or who are heritage speakers should complete a placement exam and are eligible for advanced placement credit after successfully completing one to two courses in the department.