
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Mathematics and Philosophy Advising

Jennifer Sandrik-Rubio

Jennifer Sandrik-Rubio
Undergraduate Program Advisor

Office: Morgan Hall 207C
Phone: (309) 298-3606
Email: JL-Sandrik@wiu.edu

Dinesh Ekanayake

Dr. Dinesh Ekanayake
Mathematics Graduate Program Director/Advisor

Office: Morgan Hall 454
Phone: (309) 298-1529
Email: DB-Ekanayake@wiu.edu

Gordon Pettit

Dr. Gordon Pettit
Philosophy Minors Advisor

Office: Morgan Hall 446
Phone: (309) 298-2326
Email: G-Pettit@wiu.edu

Undergraduate Student Information

Students should expect to meet with their academic advisor at least once per semester. All students have an Advisor Encumbrance placed on their registration by the University and must meet with their advisor to have that encumbrance cleared prior to registering for the next semester. It is recommended that students meet with their academic advisor before their assigned Registration Appointment date to discuss their program and courses to take.

NOTE: First year students (less than 24 credit hours) are advised in the First Year Advising Center.

View the specific degree requirements and course descriptions in the .

Model Degree Plans (Undergraduate)