
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Boris Petracovici

Boris Petracovici, Associate Professor

Specializing in Applied Mathematics


Ph.D. (2004), University of Illinois (Mathematics)
M.S. (2004), University of Illinois (Teaching of Mathematics)
M.S. (1996), Truman State University (Mathematics)
B.S. (1989), Babes-Bolyai University, Romania (Mathematics)

Contact Information

Office: Morgan Hall 478
Phone: (309) 298-2315
Email: B-Petracovici@wiu.edu

All Courses Taught

Math 101: Concepts of Mathematics
Math 103: Technical Mathematics 
Math 123: Modeling with Mathematical Functions
Math 128: Precalculus Algebra
Math 129: Precalculus Trigonometry
Math 133: Calculus I
Math 134: Calculus II
Math 137: Applied Calculus I
Math 231: Calculus III
Math 311: Linear Algebra
Math 333: Ordinary Differential Equations
Math 383: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
Math 389: Teaching of Algebra Seminar
Math 407: Number Theory Concepts in School Mathematics
Math 424: Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 551: Methods of Classical Analysis
Math 651: Elements of Modern Analysis
Math 659: Theory of Partial Differential Equations

Research Interests

Research: My main interests are in partial differential equations and the analysis of numerical and approximation models in applied mathematics.

Research with students: I am interested in working with motivated students on projects exploring more advanced topics that go beyond the curriculum in analysis, differential equations, or linear algebra. Other projects could involve setting up a mathematical model to describe a real life phenomenon and use mathematical tools from the above areas to analyze the model and find a viable solution (with the aid of software such as Mathematica or MATLAB, if necessary).

Selected Publications

  • Petracovici, B., Petracovici, L., & Zaharescu, A. (2009). Divisors, measures, and critical functions. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 119, no. 3, 351-368.
  • Petracovici, B., Abedi, R., & Haber, B. (2006). A spacetime discontinuous Galerkin method for linearized elastodynamics with element-wise momentum balance. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, 3247-3273.
  • Petracovici, B., Petracovici, L., & Zaharescu, A. (2004). A new distance between Galois orbits over a number field. Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 8, 1-15.