

Health Communication Minor


The School of Communication and Media offers a minor in Health Communication that is available to students at the Macomb campus. The minor in Health Communication is designed for students interested in expanding their knowledge of the communication process in a variety of health contexts, especially as it relates to their professional careers. The curriculum provides a variety of courses for students to choose from in preparing for possible careers in health education and wellness programs, health care communication skill management, health promotion in media companies, health campaign development, managed care environments, government and non-profit organizations focused on health policy, and other professional options in which an understanding of the process and practice of health communication is vital.

What are the requirements for a minor in Health Communication?

Students minoring in Health Communication will need to complete a total of 18 semester hours (SH) that include the following:

Required Courses:

  • COMM 130 – Introduction to Human Communication (3)
  • COMM 333 – Risk and Crisis Communication (3)
  • COMM 425 – Health Communication (3)

Choose THREE of the following:

  • COMM 235 – Communicating in Small Groups (3)
  • COMM 315 – Gender and Communication (3)
  • COMM 341 – Small Group Communication (3)
  • COMM 343 – Organizational Communication (3)
  • COMM 344 – Interpersonal Communication (3)
  • COMM 356 - Persuasion (3)
  • COMM 428 – Family Communication (3)
  • COMM 456 – Persuasive Campaigns (3)
  • COMM 457 – Social Influence (3)
  • COMM 496 – Internship (3)

Who should I contact about the minor in Health Communication?

For more information about the Health Communication minor please contact the Communication Academic Advisor, Jennifer Grimm, at 309/298-1938, or email her at JK-Grimm@wiu.edu.