
Office of Student Engagement

Common Expense Subcodes

2000 Personal Services / Fringe Benefits

  • 2100 Administrative / Professional and Faculty Pool
  • 21 Administrative / Professional & Faculty
  • 2200 Civil Service Pool
  • 22 Civil Service
  • 2230 Non-Continuous Civil Service
  • 22 Non-Continuous Civil Service
  • 2240 Overtime Pool
  • 22 Overtime Different
  • 2300 Student Help Pool
  • 23 Regular Student Help

3000 Commodities

  • 31 Office and Library Supplies - pens, paper, paper clips, etc . . .
  • 31 Computer Supplies
  • 31 Office Supplies - Office Supplies Store
  • 31 Office and Library Equipment - Less Than $100.00
  • 31 Food / Food Supplies - All food expenses except for catering and travel per diem
  • 31 Printing - Any printing done at Publications Office or local printer (Stipes Hall or University Union)
  • 32 Education and Instructional Supplies
  • 32 Music
  • 32 Film, Tape and Processing Supplies
  • 32 Brochures and Pamphlets (not printing, but actual purchase of)
  • 32 Construction Supplies (Theater)
  • 35 Wearing Apparel - Costumes, Uniforms and Materials for Construction Thereof
  • 35 Small or Miscellaneous Equipment Purchases (Not exceeding $100.00 - individual new equipment parts only!)
  • 35 Promotion Items - trophies, prizes, mums, etc . . .
  • 35 Operating Supplies

3700 Operation of Automotive Equipment

  • 37 Parts and fittings, Automotive equipment
  • 37 Repair and maintenance, Automotive equipment

3900 Travel

  • 39 University Vehicles Charges - In State
  • 39 University Vehicles Charges - Out of State
  • 39 University Vehicles Charges - Out of Country

4000 Contractual Services

  • 41 Maintenance Contracts (Copy Machine)
  • 41 Repair and maintenance of computer equipment
  • 41 Repair / Maintenance (Labor)
  • 41 Parts
  • 42 Rental motor vehcicles, chartered bus, etc . . .
  • 42 Equipment rental
  • 42 Rental office equipment
  • 42 Rental film and audio visual aid (Film Society, etc . . .)
  • 42 Rental (not elsewhere classified) costumes, etc . . .
  • 42 Lodging - for performers, guest lecturers, etc . . .
  • 43 Advertise / promotions - Radio, TV, Newspaper (ONLY)
  • 43 Officiating
  • 43 Professional Entertainment - Bands, Guest Speakers, Royalties
  • 43 Honorarium Artist (non-entertainment)
  • 43 Outside Contracts (outside of Illinois)
  • 43 Computer Software
  • 45 Freight and Express Charges
  • 45 Operating Licenses - radio - royalties
  • 45 Travel - Non-State Employees (not to be confused with Administration travel expenses)
  • 45 Group / Team Travel (Non-State Employees)
  • 46 Contractual Services not elsewhere classified (Box Office, typesetting)
  • 46 Laundry and Linen - uniform / costume cleaning
  • 46 Contract Labor - Union Contract laor, Piano tuning, Westec
  • 46 Catering Meals (Family Weekend, Madrigal Dinner, Contemporary Entertainment, etc . . .)
  • 46 Reimbursement of Contractual Services (Small Items)
  • 47 University Central plant Services - Physical Plant
  • 48 Subscriptions - Magazines, Law Books
  • 48 Registration Fees and conference Expenses - Tournaments and Conferences
  • 48 Association Dues - MIFCA, MAPCA, etc . . .
  • 48 Film Processing
  • 48 Postage Charges

5500 Equipment ($100.00 or more)

  • 55 Office Furniture / Equipment
  • 55 EDP Equipment
  • 55 Training Materials / Educational Equipment
  • 56 Other Equipment
  • 56 Passenger Automobile
  • 56 Equipment (not elsewhere classified)

7000 Telecommunications

  • 71 Telecommunication Base Charge
  • 71 Telecommunication Toll Charge
  • 71 Telecommunications Other
  • 72 Telecommunication Supplies
  • 72 Telecommunication Equipment (7280)
  • 72 Repair & Maintenance Telecommunication Equipment
  • 72 Telecommunication Equipment Rental
  • 72 Telecommunication / Radio Other Equipment <$100.00
  • 72 Telecommunication Services Not Elsewhere Classified

9000 Awards

  • 90 Prizes, Premiums and Awards
  • 91 Awards / Grants - Students (Not trophies / certificates)