
Earth, Atmospheric, and Geographic Information Sciences

Published Earth, Atmospheric, and Geographic Information Sciences Department Thesis Authors and Titles

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2020 - Richard Sample II - "An Analysis of the Relationship of Radar Beam Height and Terrain Characteristics to Tornado Warning False Alarm Rates"

2018 - Megan L. Landes - "The Geography of Iowa's Craft Brewing Industry"

2017 - Nirmal B. Thapa - "Community Forestry: How Inclusive is it? A Case Study of Community Forest Users Groups in Nepal"

2016 - Renée Büker - "Geographic Distribution of Public Libraries in Illinois: How Equitable is Library Access?"

2014 - Richard D. Ostrowski - "Impact of Urbanization on Local Precipitation Patterns around the City of Orlando, Florida"

2012 - Katherine Johnson - "Spatial Distribution of ACER NEGUNDO in Proximity to a Water Source in a Floodplain Forest"

2011 - Robert Shepard - "3D Historical Reconstruction of Camp Ellis, Illinois"

2011 - Babita Gurung - "Influence of Historical Land Use and Physiography on Current Forest Composition at the Post Wildlife Sanctuary, McDonough County, Illinois"

2011 - Mario Alfredo Solís Guillén - "Feasibility Study of Expanding Dairy Production in Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico"

2010 - Walt M. Zuurdeeg - "The Relationship of Eurasian Tree Sparrow (PASSER MONTANUS) Abundance to Habitat Preference and House Sparrow (PASSER DOMESTICUS) Abundance in Greene County, Illinois"

2010 - Amanda Wertz - "Classification of Squall Line Evolutions near the Mississippi River in Illinois"

2010 - Bibhuti Nakarmi - "A Geographic Information System Site Suitability Analysis for Ethanol Processing in Illinois"

2010 - Tim Menge - "Sex Offender Residency Clustering Analysis in Iowa"

2010 - Eric Mattson - "The Implementation of a Geographic Information System into a Rural Area with Limited Resources"

2010 - Amelia Ann Amy Fox - "Illinois Biofuel Systems Programs: An Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Data Sets to Aid in Locating Marginal Lands"

2010 - Nife Hawatma Fadul - "Race and Social Inequality: The Connection Between Disadvantage Conditions and Violent Crime in Chicago, Illinois"

2009 - Nicole Marcel Weigand - "Mapping the Arts in Illinois: The Role of Local Art Agencies in Community and Economic Development"

2009 - Derek W. Rieckmann - "Evaluating Spatial Interpolation Techniques for Precision Agriculture Using Soybean Yield Data"

2009 - Jared William Reed - "Comparative Analysis of the Process of Writing and Adopting a Rental Housing Code in West Burlington, Iowa"

2009 - Zakaria Khamis - "The Geography of Housing Foreclosures in the State of California: Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis"

2009 - Brian Hanson - "An Analysis of College Football Recruiting Patterns within The Big Ten Conference, 2002-2008"

2009 - Katherine Haessler - "Arizona County Urban Heat Island Study: Remote Sampling Through the Use of Glider Data"

2009 - Michael William Egner - "The Development of an ENSO-Based Streamflow Model for the Illinois River Waterway"

2008 - Chase Pelletier - "A Site Suitability Analysis of Wind Farms in Illinois"

2008 - John T. Ortlieb - "The Court Creek Watershed Protection Plan: The Watershed Planning Approach"

2007 - Keisuke Nozaki - "Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Deer-Vehicle Accidents in Illinois"

2007 - Dallas Diehl - "The Buffalo Commons and the Conservation Reserve Program: Their Shared Impact on the Population of the Northern Great Plains"

2006 - Dale E. Schultz - "Red Counties in a Blue State: A Geographical Analysis of the 2004 U.S. Senate Election in Illinois"

2006 - Shawn P. Sample - "Citizen Participatory Planning Through Photo Elicitation in Centralia, Illinois"

2006 - Shannon Ruh - "Regional Perceptions of Ethanol as an Automobile Fuel Additive in the Northeast, Midwest, and California"

2006 - Travis J. Matthews - "Local and World Geographic Literacy: A Case Study of Crawford County, Illinois High School Students"

2006 - Eric S. Anderson - "Developing an E-Waste Recycling Program in Rural Illinois"

2005 - Mihaela Toader - "Romania's Accession into the European Union: A Critical-Geopolitical Approach"

2005 - Darrel Barker - "Public Knowledge and Perceptions of Wetlands and Wetlands Mitigation Policy: A Study of Four Illinois Counties"

2004 - Melanie L. Wellman - "Input-Output Analysis of Recreational Facilities in the Peoria-Pekin MSA: O'Brien Field Versus the Peoria Civic Center"

2004 - Neelam C. Poudyal - "Landscape Scale Study of Forest Fragments in Illinois, 2000"

2004 - Kyle D. Peterson - "The Relationships Between Urban Vegetation Change and Quality of Life Change in Chicago, Illinois From 1970 to 2000"

2004 - Brittany Odermann - "Promoting Rural Transit Coordination: Developing A Demonstration Project in Macomb, Illinois"

2004 - Zachary A. Moore - "The Geography of School Funding Reform in Texas: The Impact of "Robin Hood" Laws on Rich and Poor School Districts"

2004 - Andrew J. Mogensen - "An Inquiry Into the Current Status and Decline of African-American Farming in America"

2004 - Shawn Kaskie - "A Regional Economic Development Plan For Northwestern Illinois: Experiences and Outcomes of Developing the 2004-2008 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update"

2004 - Kent Jarcik - "An Abstract of Social Capital and The Creation of Community Networks: An Essential Component of Community Decision-Making"

2004 - Steven R. Gustison - "The Evolution of the Quincy, Illinois Transportation System and its Impact on Urban Land Use Patterns"

2004 - Janelle Eggert - "Value-Added Producer Alliances: Membership Perspectives on Economic and Community Development in Rural Illinois"

2004 - Satya Chataut - "Geographic Concentration of Asian Indian in Chicago: 1980-2000"

2003 - John W. Zwiebel - "Using a 'Spatial-Epic' GIS Model to Map Highly Erodible Soils within the Elk River Watershed for Clinton and Jackson Counties in Eastern Iowa"

2003 - Kevin C. Williamson - "The Role of Urban Forestry on the Urban-Rural Fringe Highland, Illinois"

2003 - Brad Walker - "The Potential Effect of the Proposed Outer Belt Highway Upon the Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) Values of Adjacent Agricultural Land in Kendall County, Illinois"

2003 - Joseph B. N. Swain - "Â鶹Éç in Location and Concentration of Ethnic Groups in the Â鶹Éç United States, 1980-2000"

2003 - Trent R. Morrell - "Cultural Identity in the Residential Landscapes of Rural Suffolk County, England"

2003 - Patrick McLaughlin - "Promoting Rural Community Development: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farms in the United States"

2003 - Hari Bansha Dulal - "The Geography of Homeownership in Illinois"

2003 - Jayoung Cho - "Environmental Inequality of Toxic Release Inventory Facilities in Chicago"

2002 - David M. Snedeker - "Sustainable Planning in Polo, Illinois"

2002 - Daniel T. Schabilion - "The Future of Panama's Omar Torrijos National Park: Land-Use Conflict or Sustainable Development?"

2002 - Pramod R. Pandey - "Member Organized Resource Exchange (MORE) Programs in St. Louis, Missouri: The Role of Community Resource Exchange Programs in Neighborhood Revitalization"

2002 - Shesh Raj Koirala - "A GIS-Based Approach to Floodplain Mapping"

2002 - Robert Dwuanne Kazmierski - "Community Economic Development Strategies of Day County, South Dakota: Building an Economic Development Program"

2002 - Heather Atkinson - "Community and Economic Development in Annawan, Illinois"

2001 - William P. Rugg, Jr. - "Attribute Standardization within Property Databases Used by Economic Development Organizations in Illinois"

2001 - Todd Lindley - "The Investigation, Selection, and Implementation of Interactive Mapping Solutions for the Illinois Institute For Rural Affairs"

2001 - Bradley Jon Hubbard - "Transportation Needs Assessment for Monroe and Randolph Counties"

2001 - Terrance Alan Hall - "The Court Creek Pilot Watershed Project Knox County, Illinois"

2000 -ÌýOwen John Trepanier - "Strengthening Local Civic Organizations: A Strategy for Developing Social Capital and Community Capacity"

2000 - Rebecca Shaw - "Community Transit in the Greater Wabash Region of Illinois"

2000 -ÌýR. Shane Sawyer - "The Role of the Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission in Community Development in Southern Illinois"

2000 -ÌýMary Margaret Honer - "Planning and Urban Forestry in the Rural-Urban Fringe of Chicago"

2000 - Margo D. Eckerly - "The Planning and Development of a Certified Rural Health Clinic: A Case Study of Table Grove, Illinois"

1999 - Melanie Ann Young - "American Heritage River Designation Procedure: The New River Headwaters, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia"

1999 - Daryl Scott - "Growth Management in Carbon Cliff, IL"

1999 - John Roberts - "Siting of Solid Waste Landfills in Illinois: Lessons Learned from Sparta/Randolph County"

1998 - Bill Westerhold - "Developing GIS in Rural Planning Agencies: A Cooperative Project Among Five Regional Planning Councils and The Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, 1995-1997"

1998 - Dennis K. Wells - "Volumetric and Sedimentation Rate Â鶹Éç in Spring Lake Reservoir, IL 1927-1996"

1998 - Jason Robert Morrison - "The Implementation of a System-wide GIS for South Dakota's Bon-Homme - Yankton Water District"

1998 - Wilfredo Azul La Luz Baez - "Public Administration as Represented by City and County Government"

1998 - Troy A. Krup - "A Land Use Plan: Ringwood's Policy for Growth Management"

1998 - Gust M. Annis - "Michigan and Wisconsin Stream Restoration: An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Project Monitoring and Evaluation"

1997 - Karen Mauldin-Curtis - "Downtown Revitalization: A Look at the Process in Cambridge, Illinois, 1996-1997"

1997 - Jeffery Robert Anderson - "Floodplain Planning and Management in Davenport, Iowa"

1996 - Donna Jean Raynalds - "Vacant Deteriorated Housing in Cairo, Illinois"

1996 - Rhonda Kline - "Â鶹Éç Illinois University in the Quad Cities: A Demographic Profile"

1996 - Robert K. Fryzek - "The Effects of the Rock Island Trail on Rural Adjacent Landowners"

1996 - Carl David Brumbaugh - "Landscapes of Death: The Cemeteries of Warren County, Illinois 1830-1995"

1996 - Sarah JoAnne Brinegar - "A Comparative Analysis of Community Relocation in Illinois after the 'Great Flood of 1993'"

1995 - Jeffrey D. Miller - "Metals Contaminated Soil Remediation: Project Description and Cost Comparison"

1995 - Ali M. Kahtani - "The Spatial Variation of Road Accidents in Saudi Arabia, 1984 - 1993 (Geographic Analysis Toward Reducing Road Accidents)"

1995 - Thomas C. Jeffery - "A Geographical Analysis of Pheasant Fee Hunting Operations in Wisconsin"

1995 - Penroong Bamrungrach - "A GIS Application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to the Watershed of the East Fork of the Lamoine River, McDonough County, Illinois"

1994 - Daniel Paul Schmidt - "The Effects of Increased Discharge on the Channel Morphology of Killjordan Creek, IL"

1994 - Keith Gerard Eichorst - "An Environmental Assessment of Selected Natural Resources in the Spring Creek Valley McDonough County, Illinois"

1994 - Jerold Edward Braatz - "Attitudes Toward Soil Erosion and Surface Water Quality in the Spring Lake Watershed, McDonough County, Illinois"

1993 - Kevin C. Smith - "A Study of the Potential Effects Produced by a Proposed Interstate Overpass on Southwest Sioux Falls"

1993 - William M. Pappmeier - "Migration to Selected Communities in Yucatan: The Role of Paved Roads, 1950-1980"

1993 - David William Mingo - "The Effect of Membership in Planning Districts on the Ability to Obtain Assistance From Selected Funding Programs in South Dakota, 1986-1990"

1992 - Kenneth Christian Wulf - "An Examination of the Development of Recycling"

1992 - Kurt B. Wille - "Municipal Solid Waste Stream Analysis: Davison and Hanson Counties, South Dakota"

1992 - Laurie VanOstrand - "A Geographic Analysis of Illinois Elementary and Secondary Public Education Finance; 1968-69, 1978-79 and 1988-89"

1992 - Johannes Phuthego Tsheola - "Post-Apartheid Core-Periphery Dualism in South Africa"

1992 - Gary John Kramer - "The Nature and Geographic Distribution of Public Water Districts in Illinois"

1992 - Michael Wayne Jacobson - "Relationships of the Newberry Moraine and Niagara Escarpment in Michigan's Upper Peninsula"

1991 - Christopher John Sutton - "The Effect of Natural Lighting, Weather, and Surface Conditions on the Distribution of Traffic Accidents at Intersections in Macomb, Illinois, 1980-1989"

1991 - Steven Paul Norman - "Forest Cover Change in McDonough County, Illinois, 1816-1916"

1991 - Diane Marie Mulville-Friel - "The Location of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks in Macomb, Illinois, 1910-1990: An Historical Geography"

1991 - Joel McQueen - "Waste Stream Analysis in the Farm Community: Solid Waste Estimation in McDonough County, Illinois"

1991 - Robert Lambert - "The Differential Heating Effect of Slope Orientation and its Relationship to Early Corn Growth"

1991 - Thomas H. Fentem - "Folk Housing in Three Pike County, Illinois Townships"

1990 - Christopher Allen Friel - "The Relationship of Elderly Concentrations, Transfer Payments, and Local Economic Base in Nonmetropolitan Illinois"

1989 - Frederick Dean Peasley - "The Geography of Illinois Livestock Auction Markets"

1989 - James Knotwell - "An Analysis of Change in Farmland Values from 1959-1982 in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois"

1988 - James Michael Thares - "The Geography of the Resort Industry in Crow Wing County, Minnesota"

1988 - Eric Anderson Shields - "Municipal Water Supply Problems in West-Central Illinois: An Assessment of Problems and Solutions"

1988 - Louis Andrew Reddick - "Factors Restricting Urbanization in Van Buren County, Iowa"

1988 - Donald Bruce Cripe - "Comparison of Holocene Climatic Periods and ArchaeologicalÌý Materials: A Study in Lima Lake Geoarchaeology"

1987 - Darla Jo Juhl - "Distribution and Migration of Rural Nebraska High School Graduates: Class of 1963"

1987 - George Huseman - "The Brown County Oil Boom and Its Impacts 1982-1985"

1987 - Anthony Albert Halford - "The Economic Impact of the Historic District on the Nonmetropolitan Central Business District"

1987 - George Thomas Edkins, Jr. - "Evaluation of a Barrier Island Restoration Project, Eastern Isle Dernieres, Louisiana"

1987 - Cynthia L. Balek - "Pleistocene Stratigraphy of Central and Â鶹Éç McDonough County, Illinois as Interpreted from Certain Deep Borings"

1987 - Susan Maria Teaser Anderson - "Geographical Variations in the Operation of Paddlewheel Excursion Boats on a Portion of the Upper Mississippi River"

1987 - Eric Alan Anderson - "Demographic Hierarchy of Radio Station Formats in Five Great Lakes States"

1986 - Kevin James Wiehardt - "Floodplain Management in West-Central Illinois"

1986 - Ali Ould Sidi - "Changing Residential Patterns of Foreign Students in a Midwestern University Community, 1974-83"

1986 - Laurie J. Purkiss - "The Proximity of Patterned Features with the Wisconsinan Terminal Moraine in Illinois"

1986 - Pamela S. Olson - "Locational and Socio-Economic Characteristics of New Small Farms in Mid-America: 1970-1985"

1986 - Richard David Meade - "The Association of Glacial Landforms, Oil Fields, and Bedrock Structures in North-Central Southern Michigan"

1986 - Edward Andrew Byerly - "The Functional Evolution of Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the Capital of the Â鶹Éç Livestock Industry"

1985 - Steven M. Szymanski - "Investigations of Anomalous Glacial Deposits in the Macomb, Illinois Area"

1985 - Barbara Grace Swenson - "Sheep Production in West Central Illinois 1860 to 1985 -- A Geographical Analysis"

1985 - John Thomas Ramage - "Correlating Pleistocene Stratigraphy in the Spring Creek Valley of Westcentral Illinois"

1985 - Mark H. Rakowski - "The Dynamics of Suburban Industrialization: The Example of Du Page County"

1985 - Gerald Alan Newton - "National Heritage Corridor Criteria: The Hennepin Canal as a Case Study"

1985 - Donna Lynn Merkal - "A Comparative Evaluation of Emergency Medical Technician Services of Two Illinois Hospitals, 1979-1983"

1985 - John A. McFarland - "Neighborhood Revitalization in Springfield, Illinois, and Des Moines, Iowa: The Effects of the Community Development Block Grant Program"

1985 - Winifred Anne Ludtke-Sear - "The Role of the Transportation Network in Population Change around the Davenport-Rock Island-Moline Urbanized Area 1950-1980"

1985 - Gregory Weldon Henderson - "An Assessment of Lakeshore Development around Selected Lakes in Otter Tail County, Minnesota"

1985 - Maura Jean Hawkins-Coniglio - "The Impact of Urban and Suburban Land Use Change on Stream Discharge: The West Branch of the Dupage River 1962-1983"

1984 - Glen Donald Schronce, Jr. - "An Industrial Marketing Strategy for Â鶹Éç Illinois"

1984 - Dean G. Obry - "A Comparison Between Continuous-Tone and Class-Interval Choropleth Maps"

1984 - John W. Netherton - "Receptivity to Earth Sheltered Housing in McDonough County, Illinois"

1984 - Duane E. Friend - "The Relation of Temperature and Precipitation to Corn Yield in Central Illinois and East Central Iowa in 1981"

1984 - William L. Blewett - "Ice Stagnation Landforms in Eastern Upper Michigan: A Reinterpretation of the Munising Moraine"

1984 - Charles Thomas Bevelheimer - "An Analysis of Illinois County Business Climates and Their Effects on Industrial Growth"

1983 - Patricia K. Anderson - "Maya Cosmology: Quadripartite or Dualistic?"

1982 - David B. Miller - "Determining the Need for Branch Bank Services: A Regional Analysis"

1982 - Carol A. Lawrence - "Assessment Patterns in Warren County, Illinois"

1982 - David Coburn - "Big Meadow Channel: The Impact of Glacial Ice Invasion on Drainage Systems"

1982 - Martin J. Burkholder - "The Life Cycles of Farmland Terraces in Selected Iowa and Illinois Counties"

1982 - Steven James Bolduc - "An Investigation of the Origin of Glaciated and Unglaciated Underfit Rivers in Illinois"

1982 - John A. Bishop - "The Applications System Verification and Transfer (ASVT) Project Plan: A Satellite Remote Sensing Program for Illinois"

1982 - Michael Ronald Baker - "An Examination of the Relationship Between High Concentrations of Ground Level Ozone and Weather in the Chicago Metropolitan Area During the 1977 Ozone Season"

1982 - Ahmad Y. Al-Mayyal - "The Viability of the United Arab Emirates with Particular Reference to the Effect of the Foreign Work Force on the Functioning of the State"

1981 - William Paul Petersen - "An Evaluation of the City of Petersburg Economic Development Strategy"

1981 - Steven Marcioni - "Net Migration in Nonmetropolitan Illinois: 1950 to 1976"

1981 - Phyllis M. Hassan - "An Evaluation of Income, Employment, and Migration Change in Southern Illinois Counties Funded by the Economic Development Administration"

1981 - Kenneth Robert Franchi - "The Application of Thornthwaite's Water Balance Method to the La Moine River Basin in Â鶹Éç Illinois"

1981 - Lawrence Tyner Adams - "Urban Airflow and Snowdrifting in Macomb, Illinois, A Case Study"

1980 - Sidi Moctar Sangare - "Relationship Between Landforms Information Loss and Map Scales"

1980 - Stephen F. Herbaly - "Energy Development on the Northern Great Plains: Mercer County, North Dakota"

1980 - Joel Thomas Haugen - "General Aviation Accidents in Oregon: A Physiographic Interpretation"

1980 - Peter Langlois Croswell - "An Investigation of the Drainage Pattern in the LaMoine River Basin, Â鶹Éç Illinois"

1980 - Felix Achuko Akpore - "The Effectiveness of Housing Rehabilitation Programs in Galesburg, Illinois"

1979 - Susan Marie St.Pierre - "Environmental Ideals and Landscape Change at Salem, Massachusetts 1626 to 1660"

1979 - Samuel Joseph Schmitz - "The Community Development Block Grant Program: A Comparative Study of Residential Rehabilitation Strategies in Cuba, Macomb, Bloomington, and Springfield, Illinois"

1979 - Bernard C. Fleischacker - "Pheasants and Land Use in South Dakota"

1979 - Mark Richard Alger - "Regional Economic Development: The Interrelationship of the Accomplishments of Four Federal Programs"

1978 - Allan Russell Stewart - "Weathering Characteristics of Loess on Crowley's Ridge, Arkansas"

1978 - Terry G. Morris - "Historic Preservation and Regional Council Involvement in the United States"

1978 - Muhammad Bazlul Karim - "Characteristics and Composition of a Farmers' Market"

1978 - James Errol Johnson - "Estimation of Average Stream Discharge Utilizing Multivariate Techniques"

1978 - James Bartlett Edmonson - "Geography, Planning, and Regional Councils of Government: An Applied Interface"

1978 - John Cassady - "Pedologic and Geomorphic Processes on a Portion of the Farmdalian Buried Landscape in Knox County, Illinois"

1977 - George Clifton Weaver - "An Environmental Approach to Land Use Planning in Macomb, Illinois"

1977 - David H. Messick - "Projecting and Locating School-Age Populations in Rural Areas"

1977 - Dennis A. Lubbs - "An Ice Age Environment in West-Central Illinois"

1977 - Kenneth William Laurie - "The Origin of Fieldstones in Northeastern Pennsylvania"

1977 - Herman Eugene Lane - "Geophagy Among Blacks in Northeastern Alabama"

1977 - Randy Frosh - "Intercensal Urban Population Estimation from NASA High-Altitude Imagery and Past Census Data"

1977 - Candice Lynne D'Louhy - "The Expansion of Eastern Redcedar (JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA L.) in West-Central Illinois: Causes and Prospects"

1977 - Ronald F. Cihon - "An Analysis of Volumetric Mapping Techniques"

1977 - Ann Baland - "The Geographical Analysis of Sprinkler Irrigation in the Texas Panhandle"

1976 - Dean Duane Monteith - "The Changing Situation and Function of Colchester, Illinois, The Nineteenth Century to the Present"

1976 - Mary Ann Kurke - "Public Park and Recreation Land Availability in the City of Chicago"

1976 - Michael Sean Kearney - "The Origin and Spatial Distribution of Early Wisconsinan Sediments in West-Central Illinois and Eastern Iowa"

1976 - David L. Hellyer - "Geographic Aspects of Farm Service Centers in Clinton County, Iowa: 1941-1973"

1976 - Bruce Richardson Fitzgerald - "Some Phytogeographical Aspects of Wisconsinan Vegetation in West-Central Illinois"

1976 - Frederick Wall Dean - "The Geography of Golf in West Central Illinois: An Analysis of Sport in the Rural Environment"

1976 - Abdulwahab Rashed Al-Haroon - "The Settling of the Badu and the Political Functioning of the State of Kuwait the Geopolitical Effects"

1975 - Burton A. Kessler - "Some Geographic Aspects of Freemasonry in Illinois, 1970"

1975 - Edward T. Gorney - "The Effect of Land Use on the Nocturnal Heat Island of Macomb, Illinois"

1975 - Robert J. Fischer - "The Relationship of Coal Mines and Rail Lines in Illinois to 1910"

1975 - Charles J. Finley - "Differences in the Trade Area and Customers for Selected Stores in the Same Planned Shopping Center"

1975 - Ralph Dustin Cantral - "The Morphological Evolution of Merida, Yucatan"

1974 - David C. Schoenwetter - "An Abstract of Residential Patterns of Swedes, Irish, and Germans in Galesburg, Illinois, 1860 - 1900"

1974 - Merrill E. Peterson - "The Changing Geography of the Locomotive Manufacturing Industry in the United States: 1830-1970"

1974 - Duane M. Lang - "Individualized and Traditional Methods of Instruction in High School Earth Science: A Comparison and Evaluation"

1974 - Kurt Eugene Dikkers - "Possible Interpretations of Pleistocene Deposits at Lewistown, Illinois"

1974 - Michael Ray Bortel - "Irrigation Farming in the Havana Strath Lowland 1953-1972"

1974 - Wayland P. Bauer - "The Changing Geographic Functions of Leclaire, Iowa"

1973 - Reginald Levis Willis - "Chinese Settlement in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri"

1973 - Alice B. Wells - "The Concentration of Catfish Culture"

1972 - Michael Eugene Walters - "Early Man Distribution in the Â鶹Éç Hemisphere: 38,000 B. P. to 9,000 B. P."

1972 - Pamela Kay Todd - "The Spatial Efficiency of Grade School Attendance Districts in Quincy, Illinois"

1972 - John Barr Todd, Jr. - "Distributional Â鶹Éç in Early Man Sites in Response to a Changing Environment in the Conterminous United States: 9,000 B. P. to 2,000 B. P."

1972 - Michael Stauth - "Multiple Illinoian Glaciation in McDonough County"

1972 - Jerry J. Sarff - "The Morphology of Kewanee, Illinois, 1837 - 1969"

1972 - Gerald L. DeHague - "An Investigation in Optimum Choroplethic Map Generalization"

1971 - Demetrios A. Zentefis - "Uptown Chicago - A Community in Transition 1929 - 1970"

1971 - Joseph Ibanga - "The Changing Features in the Traditional Land Tenure Systems and Utilization in the Eastern States of Nigeria"

1971 - Linda K. Frueh - "A Factor Analytic Investigation of the Internal Structure of the Black Community of Detroit"

1971 - Rex W. Eddy - "A Study of the Glacial Tills in West-Central Illinois Using Spatial Analysis of the Till Fabric"

1970 - Donald E. Luman - "Geomorphology of Upland Basins in West-Central Illinois"

1970 - Thomas O. Graff - "The Functions of Small Communities in West Cental Illinois"

1970 - Raymond Lynn Bradley - "The Spatial Distribution of the Barbecue Briquet Manufacturing Industry in the United States"

1969 - Ronald Edward Seegers - "A Comparison of the Effects of the Open Schedule and the Traditional Schedule Upon Geographic Education"

1969 - Walter Henry Lehner, Jr. - "A Geographic Study of Clay Mining in McDonough County, Illinois"

1969 - Jon Martin Harden - "Population Trends and the Changing Functions of Small Â鶹Éç Illinois Central Places 1890 - 1960"

1969 - Steven A. Barber - "A Classification of Landforms--Illinois"

1968 - John William Weimer - "An Analysis of the Spatial Variation of Industries in Rural Counties in Selected Midwestern States"

1968 - Richard Malcolm Smith - "Illinois State Campgrounds: Patterns and Parameters of Participation"

1968 - Steven L. Scott - "The Spatial Distribution of Dry Edible Bean Production in the United States 1879-1959"

1968 - Arleen R. Robinson - "A Comparison of Two Cities: Columbus and Norfolk, Nebraska"

1968 - Allen Charles Englebright - "The Impact of Oil upon the Colmar-Plymouth, Illinois, Area"

1968 - Norman C. Bettis - "The Swiss Community of Highland, Illinois: A Study in Historical Geography"

1957 - Robert Earl Gabler - "An Analysis of a Community Study in Central Schools, A Report of a Type C Project"

1951 - Robert Earl Gabler - "A Geographic Analysis of the Major Functions of Canton, Ohio"

1948 - Milton James Edie - "A Geographical Analysis of the Literature Published by Chambers of Commerce of Cities in the United States and Canada"
